Welcome to Contentment Golf Club!

Contentment consists of approximately 900 acres of farmland tucked into a valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains. More specifically the property is located in Traphill, North Carolina; two miles from the back gate of Stone Mountain State Park.

The property that forms the heart of Contentment is the farm of Richard and Thelma Sidden. They moved to the property in 1925 and built their home. Over the next 80 years, they farmed this land and raised six children. Richard Sidden died in 2004, two weeks before his 100th birthday.

While never materially wealthy, Richard and Thelma were two incredibly happy people. Their life was not easy, but they realized that happiness was not about wealth or ease of living.

Contentment will serve as a memorial to their spirit. We will create an environment where relationships are the focal point. Where family and friends can gather, relax and retreat from the material world. In a peaceful natural setting, spending time with friends and family, our members will find their own contentment.



Contentment Golf Club

4150 Absher Road
Hays, North Carolina, 28635, United States
☎ +1 (402) 423-6653

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