Ping Pong Leagues Fall /Winter 2022

24 de octubre de 2022, 18:30 — 22:00
$75.00 - $75.00 Registrar
Reserva online no está disponible para este evento

Detalles del evento

Year three Fall ping pong league sign up is under way. Please pick a night that works best for you and join us for some Fall/Winter fun!

Play begins Monday October 24th for seven weeks. (Thanksgiving week - No Play)

Opciones de inscripción / Entradas :

Monday Ladies Night Any Level $75 per player

Tuesday Mixed Open Play Any Level $75 per player

Thursday Advanced Players Only (Like a really good garage player and above) $75 per player

Cuando y donde

24 de octubre de 2022
16810 Harney St, Omaha, Nebraska, 68118
Ver el mapa


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